
Translation Master V3

The SOFREX Translator Master V3 for SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe is a third generation of translation tool developed by SOFREX. The third version was strongly redesigned and almost completely new developed. The engine of the program has been greatly improved. The user interface was extended. A brand new technology of dynamic translations was introduced. The primary target of the product is to free user from routine operations allowing to concentrate on the essence of translation instead of searching and xml decoding.

In year 2007 the SAP introduced a new technology for printing forms - SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe (SIFbA).

“The SAP forms strategy is based on SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe (IFbA). This applies to both print and interactive forms. In this context, most Business Suite solutions have already been converted to the IFbA technology (more than 2300 forms), and new standard SAP forms will be created using IFbA instead of Smart Forms or SAPscript. SAPscript and Smart Forms shall continue to be supported inline with SAP’s maintenance strategy, thereby ensuring the ability to protect existing customer investment.”
SAP standard translator example (SE63)

There is a lot of SIFbA print forms already supplied by SAP. Some other print forms will be migrated to PDF with time. Many customers are taking advantages of the brand new print technology already today. However the translation of the SIFbA print forms with SAP standard tools is a really time-consuming and painful operation. The translation environment SE63 is not user friendly at all, expects special knowledges and works slowly. This annoying process makes to spend more time for migration to the SIFbA technology by customers who need to print documents in diverse languages and increases maintenance costs.

The SOFREX Translator Master replaces the translation environment SE63 eliminating its weaknesses and brings a lot of new features making live easy. The product introduces also an innovative technology of PDF print form translation: dynamic translation using termexes.

  • Simultaneous translation in multiple languages
  • User-friendly interface
  • Translation proposals from different translation sources
  • Live preview of the translated print form
  • Translating of long texts and rich texts
  • Integration with customer-specific terms databanks
  • tm3/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/05/05 01:45
  • by admin