
Dynamic translation

The dynamic translation is a completely new way to translate SIFbA print forms, developed by SOFREX. Instead of maintaining of static texts in different languages for a text element of a print form, a special identifier, so called “termex”, can be assigned to it. A termex specifies, which particular text from which text source should be used as translation of the assigned print form text element. During issuing of a print form, termexes are substituted with specified texts in an appropriate language. These texts are sent to the ADS as a part of the XFD and substitute corresponding original text elements of the print form.

Reusing of translations

Such words as “date”, “time”, “page”, “number”, “document”, etc are typically used on many print forms. In case of dynamic translation, they should be translated (a termex should be assigned) only one time - even if the print form is issued in many languages.

Translation consistency

Using termex makes sure, that SAP standard or customer terms will be translated in all print forms uniformly. If a translation of a term should be adjusted, it is enough to change one text in one place instead of finding and translation of print forms, where this term was used.

Easy introduction of a new language

By introducing of a new language, there is no need to translate the print forms at all! It is enough to maintain new language translations of used vocabularies. All dynamically translated print forms will get texts in the new language automatically.

Country-specific language variations

Some words can have different meaning in the same language depending on country. Typical examples are European and Mexican Spanish or European and Brazil Portuguese. With dynamic translations it is possible to maintain different translations in these languages without to install a new SAP language.

Interface adjustment

Before to maintain a dynamic translation of a print form, the print form interface should be extended:
  1. A global variable with the pre-defined name GT_TERM_TRANS of type /SOFREX/CL_TM_DYNTRANS⇒TT_FP_TERM_TRANS should be added to the Global Data section
  2. The dynamic translations should be filled using follow statement in the Code Initialisation section:
* SOFREX TransMas Dynamic Translation
gt_term_trans = /sofrex/cl_tm_dyntrans=>get_form_term_trans( /1bcdwb/docparams-langu ).
  • tm3/dynamic_trans.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/05/05 02:16
  • by admin